Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Dry, Dusty Days

The humidity, or lack of it, is dramatically noticeable after being in Portland for a few days.  My lips and fingers are cracking, and I am using a water bottle again.  I had really hoped to take some of our sunshine (and wind) to Portland, and it seemed to shine through a few times.  Even more, I had hoped to bring back some moisture for New Mexico.  Unfortunately, I ran into some trouble.
They charge to check luggage now, so Thomas and I were flying the cheap-o route by carrying everything on.  So was everyone else.  The airlines are really cracking down on the two bag limit and making sure one gets shoved under the seat in front of you.  I thought I was going to get away with bringing home some rain, but it didn't work out.
I tried to stuff a rain cloud in the overhead bin, but the flight attendant made a big flippin' deal about how it has to fit end to end in the bin or they will gate check it because they want to be so courteous to all the other passengers, even if there is room for it to fit sideways.  Anyway, you know how that works - lost luggage, who knows where my rain cloud ended up, probably in the South where they don't want any more water.  Customer service said that probably someone just picked it up because they thought it looked like theirs and didn't read the tag, or maybe the ink ran, so "DEN" looked like "PENN" or maybe "BOM" or something.  When they find it - IF they find it, they will deliver it, but that could be in a month or two.  Geez...I tried!

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