Saturday, August 27, 2011

Videoing Portland (not calling)

I love having a land line! First, the cell service is pretty spotty out here, but there is just something nice about picking up the phone instead of pulling it out of my pocket. There may come a time when all that has to change, but I really do like the feel of a full size phone, the sound of the phone ringing, and the cord that keeps it from going everywhere with me. On the other hand, I have just made another technological leap into this century with skype. My laptop at work has a camera built in, so I considered, after OMG arrived, that maybe I should learn how to use it. I have had a couple of video calls to Portland and really enjoyed getting to see the party on the other end, as well as hear them. It turns out that the signal is even a might bit slow in town, but out here in the country where internet comes via satellite, it is too slow to sustain a conversation via camera over the internet. Another fun plus is the snapshot feature. Here are a few of the people I have gotten to see and hear...
Dad up in his office, aka "Captain Jack's Bar", aka man room...
Marty came to claim Abba for a bucket of balls at the driving range.
Ollie showing off his momma and his skill for keeping his lunch down (Miki had just finished feeding him).
Saying "good night" in the afternoon, as these two were ready for an afternoon nap.
The snapshot feature can capture some nice shots, but they have also afforded me some good laughs of the funny faces of family captured in photos!

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