Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Long Days & Dark Mornings...

I thought I overcame the "jet lag" of Daylight Savings in a hurry because I was so exhausted from work on Monday and had no problem popping up Tuesday morning.  This morning proved otherwise.  These first mornings are still a little on the dark side, and with someone else having a hard time getting up and moving, too, the ripple effect got me today.
But it does feel like we've woken up from hibernation.  I know the days were already lengthening, but getting a whole extra hour in the evening is waking up some dormant productivity monster.  I am sure it will be short-lived, but for now I am grateful for things accomplished.  Sunday I went on a dusting tirade, which is hardly noticeable anymore.  And yesterday I got in a nice walk after work - just started walking in the direction of Springer and caught a ride home from Thomas as he passed on his way home.  When we arrived home, we changed into work clothes and got to it: Thomas drove in some more T-posts, and I changed the oil in the Hyundai.  Such busy little bees! 
Tonight, maybe a walk and splitting firewood?  We didn't build a fire last night and may not have to again tonight, but I am not foolish enough to think the cold weather is over.  Nor do I hope that it would be - we really could use some more wet snow like we woke up to on Sunday.
And the real hibernators - they're starting to wake up, too, I think.

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