Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Poor Thomas!  With my trip to California for the conference, we said goodbye Wednesday, March 21st and didn't get to embrace again until Tuesday, March 27th in the evening.  I teased that Thomas was all sulky that I get to go away for work and see friends and family, and on Easter he leaves for a week of work training in Phoenix with no friends or family....always getting the raw end of the deal!

I did get to see friends and family, and for whatever reasons I really was ready to see them and was renewed by it.  On my way to the airport, I stopped in for lunch at SAME Cafe and saw Brad Birky before popping in for a visit with Betty.  Always fun...

My momma and our friends who hosted us and Kim Zea-
Bob & Joyce are friends from my parents early days together in Portland.  Bob was especially punchy Saturday evening, when he took us for a "tour" of his old 'hood, the plaza in Orange.  We ate Cuban food for dinner - not something I get at home!

After the conference ended on Sunday, we went out for Thai with more family - Aunt Janelle, Joyce's son Mark, me, Momma, Joyce, cousin Peter, and Uncle Bob.  Uncle Bob brought me passion fruit from his trees - delicious!  He also brought some of his hens' eggs, but I begged off that I didn't think they would all fit in a quart size ziploc bag in my carry-on luggage the next morning!

Landing in Denver on Monday, Mary, Heather, Sarah, Deb, and I went for a hike at Mt. Falcon.  So nice to stretch my legs between travel to and from Denver.

The icing on the cake was family dinner!  Jennifer hosted a mighty gaggle of us in her new home: Ahna, Oren, and Ezra - just packed and ready to leave the next day for Spring Break; Andrea, Shawn, and Mackenzie; Charlotte; and the gang of hikers.  What fun, except that the allergies plaguing me took a turn for the worse with the smoke from the North Fork fire.  And Tuesday morning, before officially hitting the road, I got to see Cathy at Golden Touch for a little rolfing and AnnaBelle for lunch.

Yes, Tom had reason to be jealous!  I sure was lucky to see so many family and friends.  Always more that I wish I could see when I pass through Denver, but maybe someday we'll be there for Jazz in the Park or something else like it where we can all congregate and just catch up~

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