Sunday, July 5, 2009

A tragic story for a lovesick girl who just wants to dance...

A tragic story for a lovesick girl who just wants to dance... My dear sister has suffered an unlikely tragedy so close to her wedding day. A knife fell from the kitchen counter to glance across her right foot, severing the tendon of the big toe! Wednesday night she was in the ER getting it taken care until surgery Friday morning. She is on crutches for 3 - 4 weeks, and then in a walking boot for 3 - 4 weeks. So at best she'll be in a boot for her wedding. She was so looking forward to the dancing! We are all just at a loss because there is nothing any of us can physically do or buy or anything to change her condition. But I do believe in the power of prayer, and if you do, too, will you offer up one for her. Alas...

1 comment:

Lee said...

Ooh that sucks. My mom was also in a boot for my wedding but was so good about wearing it prior to the wedding that the doctor let her take it off just for the wedding day. She danced and felt great and then put it back on the next day.

When is the wedding date? For both of you!?