Monday, April 30, 2012

Early April - aka Easter

April has flown by and I haven't even posted any news yet!  How lame!  And truly a reflection of the busy life Tom and I have been keeping.  After the trip to California, I was eager to spend any free time with Tom, though I did have a lot of evening commitments with work/church.  Quick correction to the last post - the cat had three kittens, not two.  Evidently we interrupted her birthing when we saw the first two because the next afternoon there was a third one - a little white one.  Still no sign of them - after a dog mauled the doorway of the cat house, she moved her litter and have yet to be seen.  Hopefully they survived.

So back to early April...I left for Easter Sunrise Service and Easter Mass very early and came home to an empty house...Thomas was on the road to Phoenix for a week of training.  He missed out on a lovely Easter BBQ at Mom & Pop's.  All were in great spirits, though I almost didn't wake up from my nap in time to make it.

 Sofia showing how versatile a pacifier can be.

Julie brought eggs for a hunt for the older three.  It was entertaining for all, though.  The first "hide" Julie faked them out - the door opened and closed, she came back in, the kids were released from hiding, they came up empty...Julie confessed with much amusement:

The second hide was real and tricky - those kids looked and looked and ended up needing some help.  It doesn't help that the tallest kid took the low and easy eggs.

 For sharing his lap, I think Daniel got a piece of candy (or a muscle cramp?).  Andres, every bit of thirteen, still enjoys lap sitting and the hilarity it brings.

Partaking in an Easter tradition with me, Maya and I glammed up with the malted robin eggs.  (PS - thanks, Mom, for the extra bag last week.  So yummy!)

In Tom's absence I did keep busy and do all my "home" work - read the manual on the ICF blocks and figured out a window plan.  I also got down and dirty vacuuming, mopping, laundering...phew!  I prefer the "home" work to the housework. 

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