Friday, April 18, 2008

The best kind of Friday...

I woke early than I would have liked, but I loaded the car with my ski gear and headed to the park and ride. Hooray for Passover Ski Day - or so I called it, since I was skiing with Oren on the eve of Passover. I hadn't seen Scotty Russell in years, either, so that was a great reunion, though I did feel like the girl in the boys locker room a couple times. I had so much fun!! The day was wonderfully sunny, and though the snow was missing something, A-Basin's patio in the sun did not disappoint. I was on such a I did what anyone would do, rallied for other friends to find some barstools at the new Mountain Sun Brewery's pub in the 'hood - Vine St. Pub. Jennifer came to my aid. We got there ten minutes before they opened and waited as the small crowd swelled for the doors to open. We found a prime spot on the corner of the patio - Mark Bailey showed up to meet a friend, Ben Taylor showed up meeting friends, Claire and Sarah showed up with Claire's was delightful to sit in the sun and see so many friends. I had not seen Mark in so long that I didn't know he lived in the lofts where I work - coincidence! Long after the sun faded, I walked home. What a beautiful day to welcome springtime...

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