Tuesday, April 19, 2011

They worked....

Your prayers for rain have worked!
Having had a long day yesterday and not feeling entirely great, I stayed in bed after Thomas got up for work.  It was almost immediately after I heard his truck drive away that I heard a foreign sound.  It was like little tiny drops of water hitting tin.  I thought that it must be wind and little gravel or dirt banging the roof.  I peeked out the window to the east and saw a heavy line of dark clouds, a stripe of bright orangey light, and the horizon.  When I looked out the window to the west, there were in fact raindrops on the window.  Thomas was gone, and I didn't think anyone else could be outside with a hose trying to tease me into thinking it was rain.
I should have been counting days, but it has been a long time since we had rain.  I had to laugh about it because I bet myself that since we did end up getting a first run of irrigation water Saturday night and Sunday, it would probably rain.  The lake is looking pathetically empty, so we need all the moisture we can get to start filling it up. 
It was a pretty short lived rain.  Already when I left the house, the moisture was evaporating, creating a humid feeling and wet hay smell instead of the crisp clean dirt scent of rain.  But the mountains are still in the clouds, so maybe there will be a little more moisture!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It smelled so good this morning!