Monday, September 5, 2011

A forgotten story...

As Thomas joked at dinner, the memory is the second thing to go!  For me it sometimes feels a little too close to home!

I forgot a great story from Day One of the camping/logging trip.  I mentioned that when we first showed up, we set about settling in.  We unpacked coolers into the fridge and boxes onto the shelves of the kitchen area.  I was unpacking a box by the sink, and a bird flew by.  I was thinking we let a bird in from the door being left open.  I swung at it to "Shoo, little birdie!"  As I missed, I realized that not all little flying objects are birds.  It was a BAT!!!  Oh, I squealed.  We all ran outside.  There was a long-handled shovel suitable for poking at it from a distance, so I dared go grab it.  I got it flying, but it wouldn't move towards the open door.  Marie was trying to get Andres away from the door, knowing how freaked he'd be if the bat actually flew out the door at him. 

Our progress was slow.  Swinging the shovel and watching it land elsewhere in the kitchen, I had help from Daniel who picked up a trash bag to catch it in.  There was lots of squealing and whatever the more bass, guttural sound that I might call male squealing.  I guessed that a nocturnal animal might not be inclined to fly toward the bright light of the door, and indeed we decided it wouldn't go out that way. 

Thomas showed up, always ready to be a hero.  He took the shovel from me and made his own attempts.  The bat flew into the other room, and I swung at it over there to go back into the kitchen where Daniel and Thomas were ready to pounce.  Eventually, Thomas took the bag and just reached through with the bag to pluck it off the wall.  I guess it was getting as tired as we were at coaxing it out the door.  Thomas let it go outside, and it flew. 

And so far I haven't seen any vampiric symptoms...

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