Saturday, September 10, 2011

Two loads!

Last weekend we got three loads of wood, and this weekend I got two loads of goat poop!  It's not really as exciting as it sounds, but it is going to make some great organic matter to till into the garden over the winter.  I hope to get a couple more truck loads before it is time for tilling.

This past week Thomas and I have both been a bit of zombies.  I stayed home from work Thursday and slept all day, but the poor boy is in crunch time and can't take a break until the end of next week after the protest hearings at work.  Feeling miserable together has its ups and downs - we're both content to stay home and do nothing, but we both want to be comforted, me especially.  Thomas has been taking good care of me and made some good soup.  I crack his back and leave him be.

Anyway, despite our stuffy heads and achy bodies, today we put ourselves to work.  I dropped him off to do a bit of welding for his Pop and then went on to the neighbors to scoop poop.  It wasn't as easy as I remember, and I was huffing and puffing as I swung the forks of straw and pellets into the bed of the truck.  I was quickly worn out, but was more stubborn about getting my two loads.  Thomas patiently waited for me to come back and pick him up, but I was at the end of my rope - thirsty, hot, sweaty, and feeling gross!  A quick shower, a quart of rehydration, and some tuna fish sandwiches revived us both.

This afternoon Thomas split wood, showered and is napping.  I have been goofing off, composting, cleaning both bathrooms (yuck!!), and doing laundry.  Oh what a day!  I have a feeling it is all down hill from here tonight.

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