Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Guest commentary....

If anybody is reading this beside Daniel, I encourage you to also read the comments that have recently been appearing regarding the various posts.  I don't pretend to do anything more than keep this little diary of sorts.  It is a fun way for my family and friends near and afar to keep up with what's going on, but I don't know that very many of them read it.  It really is more for me. 
About 11 year ago I started keeping a journal, a more grown up way of saying writing letters to "Dear Diary".  I wrote pretty consistently for the better part of 8 of the 11 years.  Mostly I would put myself to bed and wirte for a while.  Sometimes I would write down my dreams as soon as I awoke in the morning.  Admittedly, in the last couple years, I have stayed up way too late talking, catching up with family or friends, dishing about this really great man in my life, but that's where the blog comes in.  It's just been fun to write for me, and also fun to look back nostalgically about the past.  Occasionally in my Columbine House days, my journals were subpoenaed to set the record straight on which year we bought the really large Christmas tree from the lot on Monaco and Colfax or when we held a certain party that got out of control when someone's coworker started wandering the house with a guitar driving people to drink more or just leave.
Anyway, my witty family has posted some amusing comments that I think are really funny and really complete or validate some of my stories.  If you have met him, you know Daniel is a funny guy and maybe you can even read his comments with his voice in your head.  He and Marie, Thomas's older brother and sister, are a wealth of prankfulness, as I have learned from the many stories of abuse Thomas endured.  I am sure this is why my own little brother and Thomas get along so well - the abused and favored babies of their families.  Marie and Daniel love to dramatize their woeful lives in the shadow of their favored, ne'er-do-wrong, little brother, all for a few good laughs.  Actually, the laughs are many, but evidently I am now in cahoots with Thomas or something.  "Who me?"  My own siblings, I am sure, would vouch for my innocence...
Or maybe the comments are just an inside joke that don't make sense to anyone but us.  If so, please disregard the first sentence of this post.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

For the record THomas agreed to almost all things done to him. We can't help it if his extremely young age clouded his ability to gauge how things would turn out. We mostly did things as research or exploration like "I wonder what would happen if...?" So yah we were young scientist that's it.
