Friday, December 12, 2008

kris kringling...

Most are familiar with "secret Santa" gift exchanges among offices, classes, and clubs.  Kris Kringling is where it all began.  Growing up our parish had a a couple Kris Kringling opportunities: family to family and family to "shut-in".  I remember doing the "ding-dong dash" after leaving a package on the steps of a house and hoping nobody was looking out the window.  The exchanges happened all Advent long, and in the week before Christmas, our family would ring the doorbell and not run away or just sign our name.  Meanwhile, another family would be ringing our doorbell, too.  When we dropped goodies at the home of a shut-in, you didn't run as great a risk of (w) being recognized or (2) having an old lady mobile enough to catch you.  It was always great fun!
I suppose this really evolved from St. Nicholas, the wonderful bishop who tossed the bags of gold coins secretly to the poor father who lacked the money to marry off his daughters.  Mom still sends out packages of goodies for December 6th, the feast of St. Nicholas.  As kids we set out shoes outside our door before we went to bed.  When we woke up, our shoes would be full of nuts, chocolate coins, a tangerine or two, and often a pair of pajamas or slippers.  In college I remember having to go buy a nutcracker for the box of nuts I received (who can imagine needing to pack a nutcracker when you move into the dorms?).  How fun!!

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