Wednesday, December 10, 2008

a plate full!

Another favorite tradition, that would have been taking place right about now - years and years ago, is the "Merry Christmas" plate.  The Dorsey family would come over, and together the six of us kids would paint a ceramic plate for our teachers.  Once fired, it would be filled with pumpkin bread, chocolate peanut cluster, sugar cookies, spritz cookies, and any number of homemade treats.  The Dorsey kids could paint whatever they wanted, and we all painted the same thing.  We also painted a plate for Grandma Dieringer and a plate for Grandma Schaller, who said it was a waste because they always broke in the mail.  It was a fun tradition, and my mom and dad have quite a collection of them.  Many years I was honored to draw the design, including the manger scene with a holstein cow.  Likely, right?  It was a fun tradition that I revived last year at the Dorsey-Ford pre-Christmas breakfast.  I brought paper plates and coloring crayons.  It was a lot of fun.  Kelly's husband Seth took the prize with his creation; however, his breakfast got cold.  All in all we had a lot of fun!  Ahhhh...the memories!  peace and love...

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