Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Who Loves to Get Wood?!?!?

I'm finally getting more pictures up.  These first are from our firewood getting day on the last day of August.  It was fun and exhausting.  Maya informed me last night that she still thinks about Thomas brewing coffee in the french press, as I shared he was doing that morning, as all the trucks but ours lined the highway.  Poor boy needed something stronger than Gatorade to get going!

Our first stop in the morning was in an area near Clark's Fork.  Marie tried to instill the value of parking in the shade, as we loaders appreciate that hint of coolness stacking wood in truck after truck.

 Pop found the last tree of our morning load!

Daniel is good and generous to let us all go get firewood.  It is a perk of his job that he gets to go, and a perk of being related to him that we get to go.

After the trucks were loaded, we headed on home to unload and lunch before making a second trek to the Ponderosas.  There were lots of smaller trees that didn't over-winter well like ours at home that died.  It took a little more work to fill a truck, but we managed to get four more beds full without getting rained on too much.

 Thomas practically pushed over this tree.

But Andres made it look even easier to push them over.

 Our young helpers mostly helped entertain each other.

Sara's teepee was more like an old-timey pak-n-play for her sister, who was happy as could be to scoop dirt up on top of her not-so-bright-anymore yellow shirt.

A rainbow on our drive home - it was elusive as it appeared here and there and kept changing.

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