Tuesday, March 17, 2015

checking it off my bucket list...

There are no pictures for this post - you have to see it for yourself.
I don't really have a bucket list, but if I did, this could have been on it.

A number of people have mentioned what a vision it is to see the turkeys fly up into the trees to roost at night.  There are numerous flocks of turkeys around, the largest might be the "Big House" ones at Philmont.  Usually driving to and from work or church or other events in town, you pass through flocks here and there, nibbling on the roadside or giving the chicken a run for its money by crossing back and forth.  I've been told that at dusk they fly up into the trees - 20 - 30 feet up, maybe?  (I'm not great with estimating distances.) 

I've been trying to time my departure to get to the Big House at just the right time to see the turkeys roost.  I'm most often too early, and though a couple times I pulled over to wait, it wasn't my time - or theirs.  Otherwise it's too dark, and the trees are full of dark shadows.  Last night, I was leaving classes a little after seven, and with the time change a couple weeks ago, it turned out to be just the right time.

As I approached their landing and take off strip, I saw a dark shape hovering low to the ground and realized what it was.  I pulled over and watched for a while.  They were doing it!!  It really is something you have to see for yourself: the way they take off and then almost float straight up.  (A very dramatic exponential flight pattern to put it in math terms.)  It was pretty neat.  I have no desire to be up and driving in at the right hour for their descent, but maybe someday I'll see that, too.

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