Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Moment of Domesticity!

Well, really quite long moments strung together all day long!  I am pleased to have just finished canning 5 pints of applesauce and 4 pints of pears!!  Whoopee!!!  I will have fruit all winter long from my cupboards!  It really is exciting to me that I know how to do these things, even if I still call home to Mom for tips.
Thus far this harvest season, I have preserved:
-an ice cube tray of basil pesto (makes it easy to freeze in quantities you'll use)
-an ice cube tray of thai basil and cinnamon basil
-an ice cube tray of cilantro
-a pint of cilantro pesto (consumed already!)
-24 oz of peach salsa (3 jars)
-two quarts of peaches (frozen)
-17 quarts of garlic dill pickles
-5 pints of applesauce
-4 pints of pears
What a prideful person I am!  I admit it, but in this not so lush environment, where the growing season is a bit short, it is important to extend the season however I can.  And while my garden of pots was not terribly plentiful, there are perks to working in the urban ag field.  For instance, 80 pounds of fruit at less than $2/lb - peaches, cherries, apricots, plums, apples, and pears!  Delightful!  And the basil all came from a friend's garden.  My broccoli is finally flowering, so I look forward to stir fry this week.  And my strawberries are still putting out half a dozen a week.  My lettuce is small, but tasty - ate most of last week, but I hope it will grow back.  And finally cilantro is coming up.  I think it is a terribly tricky herb to grow, so I think I will transfer it into the house to see if I can keep it alive. reason to be thinking so much about food...I ate dinner...a few hours ago...
Wishing you peace and blessings and the smell of cinnamon and apples and pears to speed your way to sweet dreams!  tori

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