Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Happy birthday to me!

What love today!  I was greeted by a beautiful bouquet of flowers on my desk this morning from a couple parishioners.  I received texts, e-mails, phone calls...singing and well-wishing.  Some very thoughtful birthday cards and gifts came my way - really thoughtful.  It is truly a blessing to celebrate a birthday and feel so loved!  I am so grateful to everyone who brought that special cheer to me that warmed my heart and made me feel so special.
Warning - the next part might make you a little sad or teary.  It's okay to stop reading. 
So I feel like a big baby and keep telling myself so for how many tears I have shed today.  Tears of love for sure, for the generous things people have said about me to me.  It's hard just to say thank you when I would rather protest and say back that it is in fact my family and friends who deserve them.  But there are a few blue tears, too.  All the love cannot help my heart from a bit of sadness, too, that I cannot this day celebrating next to my grandpa.  I am sure that he is smiling down on me from above, arm in arm with my grandma.  I was thinking about my last birthday celebrated in Portland.  It was four years ago and also my grandpa's last birthday with us.  How amazingly blessed I was to have been gifted with the time in Portland to celebrate the way we always did - together!  Now that he is not of this world, I should think that I would take comfort that he is with me always, but still I grieve for what used to be.
Or maybe I am just hormonal, and missing my birthday boy is just a rational excuse for my snotty nose and runny eyes. 
Or maybe I am really just missing my amor, my poor husband stuck in Socorro for work this week.

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