Monday, March 24, 2008

A shaky Monday

Despite my best efforts to get to bed early, I never do. And last night was no exception. So this morning when my alarm went off, I snoozed away. This is spring break in our house - Jennifer just declared it and took off for DC, while Mary and Hafner legitimately can claim it from school. I am still working. Nobody else to fight for the bathroom, so I took my time rolling out of bed. I did move quickly once out of bed and was out of the house in less than thirty minutes (I still shower at night). Despite my lightning speed, I did not eat breakfast. I packed two hard boiled eggs, the dairy-less mashed potatoes, and a little piece of cheddar cheese. On second thought I grabbed a small container of mate (Argentine tea) and my bombilla. I caught my bus and transfer and made it to work without too much delay. I have often said, to anyone who will listen, that I want a hot water tap in my kitchen, when I have my own kitchen. The next best thing is the electric tea kettle we have at work. I filled it up and started brewing mate after mate after mate. Though not caffeinated, it is mateinated - a stimulant of another sort. And I had more than usual since I wasn't sharing it with anyone. Sakes alive was my brain jittery!!! It felt like a whole other drunkenness. My brain was rapid-firing too quickly. Gratefully, lunch time came, and I ate, hoping it would help. Even now I think there is some residual jumping around of synapses in my head. Lesson learned: tomorrow I will cut back after three glasses! My gratitudes of the day: dinner with Rudy, Nancy, and Betty - such a delightful time! And getting to see my first boss in Denver, Beth Taylor, who was in town for the weekend with her husband and two kids. Reunions of friends all night long!

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