Monday, April 7, 2008

Case of the Mondays!

Last night I bottled another batch of ginger ale, and I am so excited all over again. I cleaned up and still made it to bed in plenty of time to get an early start on my Monday. I read a little in bed (Eat, Pray, Love from Amy), but definitely not past 11 pm. So when my alarm went off this morning, I had no excuse for snoozing it...four times! I got at least nine hours of sleep last night, and I still couldn't get out of bed. I dragged myself down the hall and got ready. I passed on a ride to work because I needed to bike to a meeting this afternoon. I was moving so slow!!! I did find a much better route to work this morning...much better! However, I still didn't want to sit on that little seat. I locked up my bike, made some tea and an english muffin, turned on my computer, and then watched the snow start to fall. I noticed a few flakes on my ride, but it turned into an all out flurry. The weather didn't lift my mood, but it may be a clue as to why I was dragging. I ended up taking the farm truck to my meeting, so I could pick up soil and grow lights from a couple of the head start classes, but the sky was clearing - in time for the Rockies game and in time for my bike ride home. While it was cold on my face, the sky was blue-ish. What a trip! So it is with a little hesitation that I post the following. A friend harrassed me this weekend for not disclosing that Erik and I broke up. It was six weeks ago; maybe you noticed that his name doesn't pop up in my days like it used to. Sad, but true.

1 comment:

Lee said...

Sending you a little love... sorry to hear about you and Erik. Glad you've been having fun skiing. xox