Sunday, April 6, 2008

Spring Skiing...

After getting to see Jimberg for the first time in a million years, Nikki and I met up with him in the parking lot off I-70 to go skiing! Hooray for ski buddies! I had debated about what to wear when I woke up to the blinding sun in my window. I layered up, not remembering when I was ever too warm on the mountains. When I returned to Denver late afternoon (6pm feels like late afternoon when it is still sunny), my neighbor mistook my red cheeks for too much sun on the ski hill. Yes, snowed the entire day! I haven't had many ski days this year, so you won't catch me passing up a day with friends, though I had to a couple times right after I frostbit my toes. With all the clouds and snow, we threesome went straight to the gondola at Breckenridge. The snow did not stop at all, and it even traveled all the way down to Floyd Hill with us on our drive home. Nobody in Denver would have guessed because it was sunny in town. I haven't skied half as many days as last year, but if this snow keeps up, there will be plenty of skiing left. I thought maybe I have the snow jinx because every day I have skied this year has been cloudy and snowy. Our first run down today was "dust on crust" and stunk big time. The second run was better, but it inspired us all the same to take another course of action. We headed up through the wind to a ridge of wonderful powder, protected from the wind, really just where the wind was dropping the snow it picked up along the way. We lapped not once, not twice, but thrice. After a potty break and hummus'n'cheese sandwich break, we headed back up to some more powder. Even though I knew there were beers in the trunk (planned for the A-basin beach), I didn't want to stop! I could have skied for hours more, though we skied until nearly quitting time. What a fun day! Jimberg is, hands down, the best guide on the mountain. I never had a bad day skiing with him. And what a treat to make three days in a row hanging out with Nikki. For the second week in a row, I have indulged in a Sunday evening bath. My homemade herbal scouring cleanser primes the tub with scents of lavender, and then the sea salts and lemongrass oil...ahhh...dreamy! I told Nikki that we should start family dinners on Sunday nights, either that or my bath time might become a weekly ritual. It doesn't take much to build a little tension over the week, and what better way to relax and detox? So let me know if you want to go up spring skiing...

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