Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Not much, but we'll take it!

When we were camping this weekend, I enjoyed falling asleep Saturday night to the sound of rain on the tent.  I wish I could have stayed asleep, but then the sound of the rain in the morning was soothing, too. 
Yesterday I spoke with someone in Cimarron before I left work, as the rain was pouring down.  He told me that he overheard a couple in the morning say how the rain was coming down so hard in Miami that you could only see 5 feet in front of you.  It got me so excited that I might go home to a full rain barrel and that I might not need to water the garden.  I was beaming.  I couldn't wait to get home!
Evidently, the couple must have recently arrived from Miami, Florida, where the tropical storms and hurricanes might have deluged that Miami.  As I drove closer and closer to home, there was no sign that there had been any rain at all during the day.  What a let-down!
Then last night as I lay waiting for Thomas to come to bed, the rain started.  It wasn't much, but the soothing sound of rain on a metal roof, plinking, plunking, twanging...I just savored the harmony of water coming down on this parched little patch.  It didn't last long, and it couldn't possibly be enough, but it sounded like a balm.  Then around 7 am the rain started again.  I wished to stay in bed and let it lull me back to sleep, but it was wonderful enough just to listen. 
I know summer is not over, but this morning I pulled on pants, a long sleeve shirt, and a sweater for the first time in a long while.  And I traded in my sandals for socks for this first time, too.  It won't be long before the seasons change, but I can only imagine that by this afternoon, I will be ready for shorts and a t-shirt and my sandals again!

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