Monday, March 23, 2009

Bad fish

"Bad fish" usually brings to mind a certain band I like, but Sturday night it brought up something different.  It seems the only thing that could have caused the tummy cramping, etc., unless it is the flu.  Tom and I went out for sushi at one of my old favorites, but I don't think we'll go back there again.  I went to bed feeling a bit heavy in the belly and by midnight I was tossing and turning, rubbing my belly to help digestion, and fighting the inevitable.  Yesterday I slept until it was time to go to bed again.  A hot shower and a delivery of 7-up and Gatorade from Tom were the highlights of the day, and possibly the plain piece of toast I kept down.  Yuck!
My body aches all over, which makes me wonder if the fish was just the trigger of something bigger.  I have slept for most of the past 48 hours, and I am still tired!  Ridiculous!  Well, T4B4me...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh NO! Feel better!!!!

Tell you what, take tomorrow as a snow day and stay at home and recover. No Sancho's trips during this spring blizzard. :-)