Friday, September 24, 2010

An unusual drive to work...

Why is it that most of these days I work the most exciting part of my day is the commute?
I stayed up late to talk with Thomas when he got home from work about 12:30 am.  I am tired this morning and kind of stared dazedly out the window as I started my commute.  Fall is here.  The changing seasons mean a lot more than leaf colors in these parts.
At the lake I saw half a dozen trucks and horse trailers, and then around the big corner or the UU Bar Ranch there were about 8 semi trucks...where's the beef?  A little farther on there was a traffic jam...not on the highway, but on the other side of the fence, serveral cowboys on horseback were driving cattle.  It was fun to watch as I flew past.  There were a few other cowboys scattered about as I drove, and some unsuspecting cow out grazing, too.
The wild turkeys have really moved in from somewhere.  Sometimes I feel like I am driving through joke as one turkey crosses the road, then another and another.  Why did it cross the road?  To get to the other side?  The antelope are also clustering: a month ago I would see three or four together, but now there are 20.  I think they've seen the trucks on the side of the road with big men and their binoculars and shotguns scouting out the hunt that is soon to come.
And most deer.  Not in the road, on the side of the road, or even over the fence by the small pond where they usually nibble on grasses all day.  Most peculiar....
Anyway, I am going to a training for work tomorrow, so I am hoping to leave earlier today.  Maybe the ride home will be more exciting...

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