Sunday, November 11, 2007


I am back at the gas station for my weekly attempt at the internet. Being sick again stinks! Smelling the gas occassionally makes me wonder if I am well again. I went to sleep last night with so much energy and strength. I woke up today so hungry, and nearly nothing to help in the house! I am gulping deep breaths for fear of puking again. Not the day I had dreamt of last night! Today Azucena made pizza, which didn't look the most appealing to me, but at least I have 7-Up now! We joke about how all the food has coriander seeds in it. All the food! So much so, that today my tongue automatically separated the seeds from the pizza dough like cherry pits that I spit out. How I wish I could be home for family dinner and someone's creative dish! I also have noticed how time is flying! Soon Erik will be here, and in little more than a month, I will be stateside. Sometimes I think how fun it would be to stay here long enough for harvest. We have already started eating the artichokes, though they aren't the same without mayonnaise. The beans we have been eating, too, and I have never had a sweeter white strawberry. But I am not sure what else will pop up in the next few weeks. I have uploaded more pictures to snapfish, so please check them out. The password is Peru&Argentina. I spent the better part of the weekend adding captions to explain them. I hope you enjoy them. I would really love to write more, but I think I need to get out of here. I may be puking in the alley before long. How pathetic, I know, but I can't seem to shake something. I really want to be strong again. I have been practicing my mantra from Rebekah, which does make me feel better. Join with me and pray for goodness! loveyoumeanit...tori

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