Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A great day!!

Feeling even better…what a night! I dreamt about so much. This morning I felt stronger and helped with some more of the work outside the house. I was cracking up when Peggy pulled out the lawnmower. Sean and I had a couple chuckles about her obvious lack of practice. It is an electric mower, and she kept coming unplugged. The last straw was mowing over the line. I couldn’t help but think of my brothers and uncles and all the teasing about cutting lines. It meant Peggy was stuck using the hoe again. The place does look so much better. I was a mulching-mama. I was feeling up for a challenge, so my next project was digging up irises that were growing in the middle of where a new irrigation ditch needs to be dug. Katie (oops, it’s with a “k” not a “c”) was mowing them down with her shovel, so I intervened and transplanted many. The purple ones are about done, and now the yellow and white irises are out. They are so beautiful. I felt like I was doing something happy for the earth by saving them. And though the work was more difficult, I didn’t feel too sapped. Lunch was a delicious pot of soup with beets and beans and lentils. I especially liked the broth. I have to say though, everything is better with salsa de ajo y salsa picante. It really isn’t a hot sauce, but it adds good flavor. The garlic sauce is pretty much just pureed garlic stalks with a bit of water, maybe salt and oil. Sadly, the food is often left un-spiced with the exception of coriander and salt. Our afternoon siesta began so nice; I was taking a nap in the hammock. Paloma and Nacho are back from their grandparents’ house, and both decided to join me in the hammock with a truck and a whistle. Oh brother! They do not have many boundaries, so I gave up on the idea of more rest and played. Nacho and I were playing with a little seat that attaches to a bike for a child. His games are so creative. It gives me hope and faith that there are still children with really active imaginations. I don’t see these guys becoming video game addicts any time soon. I worked filling bags with soil again. Myrna joined me, as she is slowly getting her strength and appetite back now. We were entertained by the baby goat. It would come close and then bleat and run back to mom. She was so funny, kicking her legs up and jumping around rambunctiously. It was such a sight! Tonight “What the Bleep Do We Know?” was watched again, so I tried to get some more sleep. Staying healthy and strong! tori

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