Monday, November 5, 2007

Mondays are not my favorite days...

Oh goodness!! It is about 11 o’clock, and we have just finished dinner. Sean and I tag-teamed a pot of pasta and a pan of tomato sauce on a fire behind the house. It was quite the day. A Monday, of course! I have been using the earplugs back in the bedroom with everyone else, and I really do not hear anyone get up. Gratefully, Myrna woke me up today, so I got in on the pot of oatmeal that was being made. The two women who arrived last night left this morning. I suppose life is a bit rough around the edges here, but that was quick! A few of us were able to help Vida with planting fruit trees to start off the day. This was a nice change of pace until we finished and had to go weed. When the water came down our row, Myrna and I moved down to the artichokes. The sun had risen nearly halfway in its path, and we were granted a reprieve till the afternoon. Azucena began the work on the pizzas, and some of us offered to help. I have washed many dishes, more than my share to be honest, but I feel like a slug to just be waited on. It meant I got pulled into Catie’s path of cleaning, but I was quick to get out of it. Instead, I had Vida check out my head – lice free! She invited me to check out her property and plans, so I spent my nap-time walking around her land and offering ideas. It was nice, but I needed sleep, too. The afternoon passed quickly, and most had gone. Sean and I started working in the afternoon around the house, cleaning up the weeds, harvesting a cancer-curing root, and moving the trash that collected around the front of the house. Many of the other volunteers were not around to help: Myrna needed to go to the doctor and Megan went to translate, Laura was tending to the lice in her hair, Peggy and Patch went to Mendoza with Azucena, and Catie cleaned inside before taking Paloma into town. When we regrouped after dark, the crew had not returned from Mendoza. We had no gas for the stove, and there was only a little water. We made some spaghetti, but there was no bread or anything. A basic meal before going to bed! I don’t care much for the late dinners and then going straight to bed, but if I don’t get m eight hours, the morning feels so difficult. Ah well, such is life! G’night! Buenos sueños, victoria

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