Saturday, August 28, 2010

night driving...

I am not confident yet driving at night from town.  I was fortunate to have visitors today: Tammy, Terry, and Carolyn.  After a brief visit and photo shoot with the beautiful mountains, we headed in to Cimarron for dinner at the St. James.  We had so much fun eating and talking and having a great time.  Alas, when we were all talked out and they were ready to head back to Raton for the night, I had to turn back around into the dark night where there might be animals lurking in the brush alongside the road.

Admittedly, I didn't drive as fast as I do during the daylight.  Even with my brights, I was still a little nervous.  Not in any of the "usual" places did I see a deer, but past Rayado I came upon a buck.  He only paid a little notice of my bright lights approaching, and gratefully he didn't turn towards the road and stop to stare.  He had at least five points on the antler facing the highway...a big dude, he was.  I kind of wanted to stop and just really see him, but I thought he might become indignant and continued on my way.  Further along I smelled skunk, and then about 100 feet more came to a complete stop on the highway.  In a wobbling, bouncy lope, a skunk was not crossing the road, but moving in my same direction in my lane.  I was concerned that if I hit him, I would surely be smelling him for much longer than I cared.  After about five feet, he finally got a clue and moved off the road.  I though he might have been injured, thus the funny gait, but since I have never seen a skunk run off before, I don't know.

Safe and sound at home am I.  I am sure I will master night driving soon enough, but for now, I think I'll stick to daylight...

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