Sunday, August 22, 2010

No vampires here...

Today, Thomas and I were lucky enough to have accepted an invitation from a friend to visit a farm south of Taos.  Gemini Farms has been in production for 8 years, though I think it has grown a lot in the last few years with the addition of mule power to the cultivation of the fields.

Root crops seem to be their specialty, especially as the brothers can take advantage of their root cellar to extend their market season as late as February.  We saw lots of fields of beets, carrots, and turnips, plus cabbage, squash/pumpkins, melons, corn, beans, and herbs.  Really quite spectacular!

But what got me excited was the garlic...5,000 pounds of garlic (if I remember correctly).  I bought 2.5 pounds...something to eat, maybe to plant.  The brothers invited us to share lunch with them, in which I tasted the garlic in a garlic/parsley pasta sauce and just hot off the grill with the corn roasting there.  Yummy!!  My photos don't do justice to just how much there is...

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