Monday, January 10, 2011


Well, I had a snow day today, and I didn't do a whole lot.  I thought about all the things I could do, but mostly I just thought about them.  In particular, it would have been good to have finished my nostalgic recount of the great 2010, but I think when Thomas took down the Christmas lights before the twelfth day of Christmas, I lost the spirit.  (I will finish...someday.)  And I also thought about posting the pictures of the German chocolate cake I made (from a box) for Thomas's birthday party Saturday night.  I was, and still am, quite pleased that it turned out, though I did have to "borrow" some chocolate frosting to get the whole cake frosted.  Alas...another day...

Thomas did enjoy a little time walking around the property and planning out the house we intend to build someday in the not so distant future.  It was nice and sunny then, and the world looked less white and more dried grass color.  Unfortunately, we didn't wait for the sun, but this morning we also team-worked an oil change for his truck.  Not ideal conditions for one, but the timing was a must!

Tomorrow is Thomas's birthday, and I told him I would take a couple of days off to go wherever he wanted, thinking that he might want to travel around this great state of which I have seen so little.  I am taking off Tuesday and Wednesday, but we are not going south.  Rather Thomas has chosen to go to the one place he was so glad to leave...Denver.  He has good reason for wanting to go, though.  I never let him see his friends when we go, so we are making a trip to see Forrest and Karen and the kids, Mike and Shelly (and new baby due tomorrow?), and maybe Jarrod.  We will also get to celebrate his birthday with sushi, thrift store shopping, stockpiling, and maybe a couple other places he has been missing in this strip mall-less town we live in.  So happy birthday to him...

(sorry, Denver friends who read this and think, "Unhh...why aren't you going to come see me?"  Take it up with the boss!  There are so many people we would love to see, but scheduling it all, particularly for everyone who is working, is not easy or stress-less.  Maybe next time...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our Christmas lights are still up so come finish CHristmas here. The cake was yummy, good job. Enjoy your time together and have fun in the big city. Maybe in the spring we could all go to Carlsbad Caverns.
