Thursday, June 9, 2011

Hot & Dry

This morning we actually woke up to a blue sky.  This shouldn't be surprising, considering that we have been having such hot and dry (and windy) days.  We are close enough to the large Wallow Wildfire in Arizona that the smoke has been looming over the mountains and down over the towns.  I haven't noticed ash on the car (unless it is disguising itself as bird poop), but Albuquerque and Eagle Nest have been been layered with it.
I am carrying my boots and wild-land gear in the back of the car in case we called in.  The lightning of last week has passed, so our biggest threat at the moment is the carelessness of a cigarette tossed out the window or other reckless behavior.  The winds have been howling so much, and the ground is so dry.  It would most certainly be devastating.
Thomas and I have been watering the garden in the cool of the late evening.  He was so surprised at how warm the soil was last night, but the chiles and okra are happy for that.  Pray for rain...

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