Monday, June 27, 2011

One Year!

I will always be Bear to my dad, though my engagement ring names me Tom's "osita". There is a new-to-me country song about a father giving his daughter away in marriage, and cheesy as it is, the father tells how he loved her first. Well, it reminds me of my dad, as I have always been his favorite oldest daughter. I may not have been the first he gave away, but giving me away is just different - I am the only one of my siblings that has settled outside of the Portland Metro area. So when things kept getting pushed around for when Abba could come to visit, I felt pretty lucky that I would get to spend Father's Day with him this year without having to get on a plane to Portland. Of course, Father's Day this year landed on our first wedding anniversary. My parents set a precedent having taken Miki & Marty and Nick & Jen out for dinner on their first anniversary, so Abba took us out for dinner, too. A trip to town Saturday night to eat at the St. James hit the spot, and we enjoyed ourselves on the patio afterward while an old friend of Tom's sang some tunes. After dinner and music, we headed up to Cold Beer so Dad could check out the only bar in Colfax, NM. We shared a pitcher and played some dominoes. The place was a bit dead, likely with Rod playing at the James, so we didn't stick around too long. Sunday morning we loaded up and headed back towards town for mass. I knew that the chaplain at Philmont would be celebrating mass at the little chapel in Rayado at 8 am (same time as our service in Cimarron), so we saved half the drive and stopped there. One staff came over from across the road, so there were just four of us. It was a really nice service, and Fr. Mike gave Thomas and I a really thoughtful blessing. It's been fun this month, remembering where we were a month ago. On the afternoon of the 7th I paused to remember that we were trying to figure out where we would pitch a tent because there was snow above 5,000 feet, which included pretty much all of Crater Lake. A few days later I remembered a really amazing meal at the Pelican Brewery and a romantic walk on the beach afterward. And then of course just last Thursday I was grateful that we weren't just pulling back into town after driving straight through the night from Portland, practically non-stop, save for a detour through nasty traffic in Colorado that landed us at our favorite sushi restaurant half an hour before closing. Oh the memories....and all the memories since! I can't wait to make some more...

1 comment:

Jeff Hafner said...

Hi Tori,
I found your blog linked to Ahna & Oren's and was amused to read that you will always be Bear to your Dad. Sarah has always been Bear to me, also my oldest and also my only child to settle away from home. It looks like life is treating you well.