Sunday, June 8, 2008


To bed I must go! This morning I got up for a garage sale that was not to be. I wasn't in the loop that the rain was keeping our shop closed, but with a forecast in the 70s, I knew it would last. I made some eggs and potatoes and headed to the porch with the paper. As the sidewalk dried out, our first customer arrived. A young man from Atlanta starting residency in internal medicine here (I have great customer service, huh?) slowed down in front of the house and stared. I waved and asked if he was looking for the garage sale. Indeed he was, so he parked and checked out the remnants from yesterday. He walked away with a coffee table and a few lamps and left twenty bucks behind. I finished the comics and my juice as more customers arrived. I think I win the prize for biggest sell - sold the pool table and the Budweiser lamp that hung over it. We had a handful of other folks browse through books and such. We cleared over $350 (under $50 for me). The better news is that I moved into my apartment! Minerva is such a lifesaver. She and her boyfriend Eric came with the Metro CareRing truck. Eric could lift everything by himself, so my back is not nearly as sore as it could be. I did move as much as I could out to the front before they came. The first two loads went with my other lifeavers - Andrea and Shawn with their vehicles. I owe them all big time. Minerva left me at my new home, which doesn't have a name yet, and I started arranging furniture. It seemed like so much going over, but it seems pretty manageable once arranged. I still have clothes and a handful of other boxes, plus plants. They will have to wait for another week, unless I get really crazy tomorrow evening. I didn't take my camera, but maybe tomorrow I will stop by. The "before" video wouldn't load because it is too big. The "after" will look so different! One last thing before I go...I met my neighbors below me on my way out to Jazz in the Park. One is a drummer, as I learned during the day. It wasn't bothersome, so not a big deal, but I thought since I made so much noise moving in and now won't be around for a week, maybe they should know I am for real. So I knocked on door #2. Max opened up. I said that my name is Tori and I moved in upstairs. "Joy?" he asked. "No, Tori, short for Victoria," I responded. HE pointed to his hearing aides and remarked that he doesn't understand because he is hearing impaired. I repeated myself and finger-signed my name, and he thought it was cool I know a little sign - I told him my best friend all growing up through school is hearing impaired. He introduce me to his younger brother Josh, who is also hearing impaired and getting a cochlear implant on Wednesday. Next to Josh is Andrew, Max's roommate - the drummer. We all chatted for a little bit: they are students at Metro State, they both bike to school, they moved in at the beginning of April, and Andrew is in two bands. It was good to meet them, and I look forward to being neighbors with them. Well - I am pooped...over and out.

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