Thursday, June 5, 2008

Is my stress level inversely related to gas prices?

Nope - just a coincidence! And I still haven't purchased a car. BUT...after agreeing to move in with a friend, she decided Monday to sell her house and move out of state. Coinciding with "that time of the month", I totally breaking down. I called my mom on Monday and cried for some prayers. Work - house stuff - surgery - too much at once! All culminating in my head and calendar as a disaster - move out of the house on crutches? Yeah right! And where to?! Well, all the prayers worked. I saw an ad on craigslist that actually led me to a different website to a newly listed apartment recently lowered in rent, and after responding, it turns out I was the first to see it! I signed a lease this afternoon, pick up keys on Saturday (a good excuse to take a break from our garage sale), and will move in all my big furniture with Minerva and her boyfriend and the Metro CareRing truck. Had all this not worked out, my Dad or little brother would have joined me at the end of the month to move, but since the Columbine house will be vacated by everyone else by/on the 19th, this is better. It will be better for me to get this done before surgery, too. Surgery is on Tuesday at 12:30 pm my time. Please pray for me - I am trying not to make a big fuss of it. I feel like I should be a "big girl" about it and just walk to the hospital on Tuesday, have surgery, call my friend for a ride to my friend Betty's house, and get over it. A little bit of me doesn't think it is really that easy, but I want to believe it is. It's just not a good time for the Denver Family - everyone has stuff to take care of, work, or school. So I will stay at Betty Woolsey's house for a few nights. It will be better than living alone. I probably won't actually start staying at my new place until the week after when the crutches are gone. My new address will be 2300 Williams St #1, Denver, CO 80205. You can look up the place on google and do the street view - it is the NE corner, and I have the first floor apt with south facing windows. Anywho...what a relief!! In other good news, Ahna and Oren had Ezra Kyle Bersagel-Briese this morning at 3:313 am (c-section because he was too big for her birth canal) - 9 pounds, 21.5 inches. He is a cutie! I got to hold him at 10 hours old! Check out his webapge - loveyouallsomuch...tori

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