Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Getting busy...

How is it that a day might drag a little here or there, but then the last fifteen minutes of the day, there is suddenly all sorts of things to wrap up?  Ah well....
I knit a hat last night for the bazaar on Saturday, and if I am lucky, I can knit one tonight, too.  I watched Beaches with Bette Midler while I knit (yes, of course, Thomas was at work, not on the couch next to me).   Tonight, maybe Chicago.
I am excited that in less than three weeks Thomas and I will be in Portland.  There is a lot going on between now and then, but all in good time.  I am excited for two more birthday celebrations here - will help me not miss my brother's 30th and his son's 1st birthday in Portland in a week.. 
So back to knitting...

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