Sunday, December 12, 2010

I got me a fever...

No dance fever or Saturday Night Fever here...just the regular ol' ailment that keeps one in bed for hours and saps a person's strength.  Not much to post last week as I woke up with a fever on Thursday morning and was pretty out of it until Friday evening.  I think the slice of pizza I had from Thomas's plate brought me back to life - a little cheese and grease can cure anything our of the ordinary.

But I woke up Saturday feeling quite perky.  Thomas and I worked on a few little projects.  Then we headed over to see family.  I was recruited by Marie to make empanadas, and Julie, too.  We made a few dozen pumpkin empanadas...yummy...and it didn't take that long to make them with our little assembly line.

And then the highlight of the night was the annual Vigil ornament painting party.  It made for a great celebration of a belated birthday party for Dave and a day early birthday party for Alice.  Frito pies and beer and cake and ice cream...yes, in fact, we did have stinky gas at our house last night.  But we had so much fun painting ornaments.  The girls each painted at least half a dozen, and poor Sara was feeling quite teased I am sure, as there was much laughing about how all the paint and a dozen dirty brushes were collected on her little corner of the table (not to mention where all the paint ended up besides the ornaments).  Everyone painted at least three, as Thomas cracked down on mandatory family fun.  And indeed, it was a lot of fun!  If only every weekend could be like it...(I know, Daniel, you'd boycott...)

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