Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!  I am blessed.  I am truly and thoroughly blessed.  
Tonight I am a little heartbroken.  My girlfriend Ahna and her husband Oren (our wedding photographer) have received terrible news that their baby born on Sunday has suffered severe damage to large parts of his brain.  All our prayers and hopes have been with them as they waited for the results of a brain scan yesterday, which medically speaking has removed all hope for any recovery from the loss of oxygen.  It is devastating for them and for us, and while I remain hopeful and prayerful that God be present and comforting, it is tragically not the story of hope one imagines at the birth of a child.  It challenges faith for many and leaves those of us clinging to faith confused as to what we should hope for them.  
I share this story because I believe in the power of prayer and hope you will lift your voice in prayer for them, too.  I pray that God gives them the strength and courage to be their best selves, to cherish and love their 2 year old, to care for each other as they grieve in their own ways, and to mother and father Liam the best way they can.  May God hold them closely, and may they feel God's comforting presence in these days...
( for pics of Liam)

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