Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Nearly picture perfect....

Can you picture the United States Post Office logo? I had to look it up on the website. The one that came to mind might have been the previous logo, but all things considered, it still works. On my way in to work this morning, I passed the Miami Post Office as I do every morning. It is roughly the size of the mudroom we built on our house, attached to the home of the Postmistress. There is a mini-version of the blue mail box familiar to most city dwellers out front. And there is a tall flagpole with the stars and stripes flapping in the wind. This morning, perched high in the top of a tree next to the house was a golden eagle. I slowed down to look up at it - it was huge! Now I am no ornithologist, but it looked to me like a golden eagle, and that is what it will be until I am told otherwise.

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