Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What a long strange trip it's been...

How lucky for us to have a whole week in Oregon!  I am tired, yet I am sad to leave, too.  It has been such an exciting trip seeing family, playing games, indulging in wonderful meals, enjoying both the beach and the mountains!  Alas, I am also looking forward to the quiet, gentle pace of home.  (We sat in some nasty traffic in downtown Portland today that inspires a place with less cars and people!)
It truly has been a blessing to be here, though at every chance I have had, I check back to www.ourlittlehippie.com to see how little Liam and his family are doing.  My family has all been praying for and asking about him.  Today, too, we remember, and not without tears, the death of one of my sister's best friends...seven years!  It can still feel so raw as if it were yesterday. 
But how fortunate to be present to and celebrate life right here..  I got to meet little Benjamin Dieringer, three months old on Saturday and son of Pat and Amy.  And Cole, my nephew already a year now, entertained us thoroughly up at the Bear Hut.  He has a great way of laughing at just the right time, as if he understands that what someone has said is really funny or sarcastic.  I just don't know any babies back home, just adults who sometimes behave like one (ooh...who you think I am talking about?  This one will definitely get me in trouble). 
So tired right now, I really need to hop in the shower and get some zzzzs before our 6 AM flight.  Phew...if it wasn't so rainy, I would think that I could at least see the sunrise!

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