Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Field Roast Grain Meat Company is awesome! 

When Thomas and I gathered all our friends and family together before our wedding, we had a delicious BBQ in Wildwood Park.  Thomas and my dad were responsible for the grocery shopping, and they found delicious fake sausages to go with all the fancy sausages they had for the meat eaters.  Field Roast Grain Meat Co. makes Mexican Chipotle, Smoked Apple Sage, and Italian Sausages.  I tried them all (not that night...) and found them delicious. 

Summer BBQs are popular around here, and while I do like black bean burgers and other fake burgers, sometimes it is nice to have variety.

Thomas and I found some of the Smoked Apple Sage sausages on our last trip through Denver at the beginning of October.  We bought all the Natural Grocers had - three packages.  I have eaten up one package, but have been feeling stingy in case I eat them all.  So on Thomas' trip to Santa Fe today, he found some and surprised me with a bag of several packages in all the flavors!  Woo woo!!

Now I have been especially skeptical of the whole fake meat scene.  I am not a big fan in general of making the same old meaty dishes with fake meat.  However, I do like seitan, one of the "grain meats" upon which Field Roast bases their products.  Anyway, I made cous cous last night for Thomas and I, and I chopped one sausage up into the vegetables that I sauteed, and it added a different texture and flavor.  The Mexican Chipotle ones are akin to chorizo, so I look forward to chopping one up in scrambled eggs with green chiles and potatoes.  I can add chipotle powder to the mix, but it isn't quite the same as adding a nugget of the flavor spread throughout.  Oh sure, I can justify my indulgence with all sorts of excuses....the truth is they are good!

And my husband is even better for such a thoughtful treat!


Lee said...

I LOVE Field Roast sausages!!! We eat them regularly around here. The meatloaf is good, too!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad he found them. I looked in Pueblo so I could have some in the freezer but they did not have any.
