Monday, August 8, 2011

A Case of the Mondays?

Is it surprising that I would not want to wake up on a Monday morning, roll out of bed, and head to work?  Not terribly, no, but when all other signs suggest I should go back to bed, why don't I?
This morning before I poured the milk onto my cereal (yes, I am back on cow's milk), I took a whiff.  It didn't smell quite right, but it didn't smell sour.  I took the tiniest sip and almost lost it.  Indeed, it was sour.  It should have had a few more days shelf life.  Bummer!  Dumped it down the drain...
Then as I approached Monkey Hill above Cattle Headquarters on my way in to work, I realized I don't have office keys.   I pulled over to loot my bag in search of keys and found none.  What a bummer!  I decided to try my luck, but the office was locked.  I knew that turning around to go home for the keys was a waste of time and gas, especially because our secretary would almost be here by the time I returned.  Gratefully, one of our parishioners who is very active has a key and has told me I can call as early as 8 am, as he is an early riser.  And so I got in...
I am sure the last hour will fly, but these first hours of the day seem to be dragging and dragging and dragging....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally understand. It was awful to wake up at 5:30 and be on the road to Mora at 6:30. Yuck.
