Thursday, August 11, 2011


It is hard to believe that four years ago I was headed home for my grandpa's funeral.  It hardly seems like it has been that long, especially when I am gripped so strongly with a longing to be with him.  I still miss my grandparents both, and I know I have posted before about how sometimes I am overwhelmed with a need to call them.  For a long time, I couldn't delete their phone number, sometimes even calling it just to hear my grandma's voice.  But now the number is being used by the hospice organization using the house for their ministry.
Many know that I am that dopey, sappy kid who hangs on to little things that remind me of others.  Memories come back in detail when I look at items around the house that are connected with friends and family.  And it is a comfort to be surrounded by these things.  I will forever be the kid in mismatched hand-me-downs because it feels comforting.
My Auntie Rose sent me a package for my birthday.  Of course I started crying before I even finished reading the card.  I am good with dates and remember a lot of birthdays, but mine was the one family didn't have to try to remember because it is the same as Grandpa's.  Having seen my post about hand-made whipped cream and Grandma's hand mixer, Rose went to the trouble to get it and a few other kitchen items packaged up to send me.  When I opened the box and saw the red handled mixer in the box, it teared me up all over again.  What a great gift of memories and comfort!
I am not the only one who has lost grandparents.  My girlfriend just said good-bye to hers. and it was almost a year ago that her husband traveled half-way around the world to bury his.  And everyday grandparents are born.  My parents became grandparents all over again a week ago.  Here's to grandparents - with us still in body or in spirit, our own and all the other; may we always know their comfort and love!

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