Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Dreams come true...

None of us slept really well, and I had a mini-belly ache. I had been thinking all night about cutting up one of my apples and adding it to the leftover gingery white rice, along with some cinnamon and sugar and butter. Therefore, I made it! It was so delicious, though nobody else wanted any. Jorge had already showed up, but I didn’t rush. I really wanted my rice, and the day looked pretty grey, so I figured no hurry. It did warm up, and at one point I was too hot. I planted…(drum roll, please)…tomatoes. Every time we plant them, it is the last time. Still replanting, too. I also got to plant lettuce, help Nacho harvest moras, and take pictures. Moras are blackberries, but they grow in trees. The black ones aren’t ripe, but the white ones are – I know! White blackberries!?!? Who would have thunk? I was grateful for a day with yoga, again. We haven’t had it for a week because Jorge’s foot has been really bothering him. Lunch was one of Patch’s creations, and evidently the polenta I was enjoying wasn’t quite done yet. It didn’t stop me from digging in. This afternoon I wrapped my big toe, stuck my foot in the rubber boot, and jumped in to the mud with one shoe on and one shoe off. It felt pretty silly, and I really did want to get mud squishing in all my toes, but I knew better. Kaitlyn and I mashed away, mixing the clay from the bottom with the wet stuff on top. Then we added sand and straw. Water, clay, sand, and straw. Unfortunately there are rocks and sticks in there, too, and they don’t feel as good under your feet. Sadly, my right foot, the bare one, still feels really rough and calloused. I also got to throw mud because we were moving a little slowly in the afternoon. And when I say afternoon, I don’t mean four o’clock. We don’t start work until 4:30 or 5 pm, and then quitting time is darkish, typically around 8:30 or 9 pm. Thus getting dinner at 10 pm doesn’t feel late. I don’t like going to bed with a full belly, though, yet I want a full night’s rest. Such a problem for me: to be hungry after working and not want a full belly before going to bed! Spoiled, I know! Kaitlyn and I walked to the first kiosko to buy cookies for everyone. I was just happy to stretch my legs, and Kaitlyn and I have great girl-talk. We like to talk about our dreams from the night before, relationships, and plans for the future. We plan to meet up in Portland after Christmas, so we can catch up on the next month. It feels weird to be leaving here. I like it here. Change, change, change…only constant, eh? tori

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