Monday, November 19, 2007

Monday, Monday...

I need to start working on my Monday luck with a new mantra. Today we planted more tomatoes…again. We almost finished, but the last tray will have to wait a couple days because someone left them in the huerta for a few days in the sun without water. They weren’t tostadas, but they need some time to recuperate. We all pitched in and got lunch on the table – mashed potatoes (from a bag) and the quinoa tortillas I missed last week (eggs and the quinoa leaves – not seed). Everything was tasty, but it took so long that I didn’t have enough time to walk into town like I wanted. I guess I will keep waiting to post these and get more ice cream. Alas…at least I had enough time to wash my undies, my pjs, and a couple tops. We have great afternoon sun for drying. In the end, the laundry didn’t dry, but I think it will finish in the house. This afternoon we mulched around the tomatoes and then, AND THEN, they let me use the machete!! We were stripping the little limbs off of poplars. It sounds like tomorrow will be a construction day. I forgot to write yesterday that when we finished work, we sat at the table waiting for supper, and Azucena made us fruit smoothies! They were so delicious!! Strawberries and quince and peaches and cherries and oranges...I had a couple helpings. Fruit is such a treat here. Tonight, however, because Peggy and Tatiana left in the morning (hitchhiking to Patagonia), we North Americans rented a movie. I biked into town with Katie to pick up the movies, sodas, cookies, and chocolate. I had been craving chocolate milk in the morning when we were working, so I bought a box of it, too. We don't get much dairy on the farm, though we did get to sample some of the goat's milk tonight. Anyhow, the bike I rode was a bit too small, and the seat wouldn't stay in one position. It is hard plastic, and when I hit a bump, it would bend back and jab me in the bum with the front of the seat. I would jam it back down with my hand, but it was tricky. The road is just dirt, so you can imagine there were a lot of bumps. Our headlamps did not sufficiently illuminate the road, so I didn't even get to them coming. Ouch! We watched Idiocracy, a movie to inspire reading, learning, and smart people having babies. It was pretty funny, but it was well after midnight before we went to bed. Tuesday morning may not be as great as Monday! Sweet dreams! tori W

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