Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Last night I got in late.  It has been a long time since I had a work day like yesterday.  I left at 8 am and got home at 8 pm.  Phew!  The beauty of that kind of day this time of year is that the sun was actually still up when I first left the office.  It had fallen behind the mountain before I was even halfway home, but it was still that wonderful evening light that draws out all the animals.  I saw a herd of 40-50 elk cow on the western edge of a neighbor's property.  At first it looked like horses in the road.  They are just a big animal!
As I slowed and counted heads, I also gave them stink eye.  After having planted the raspberry and fenced them up, something came through and ate the top off.  Said beast also got around the fence of the apple tree and nibbled.  Thomas thinks maybe it was a deer.  I am not ruling out any cloven hoofed jerk that doesn't have the brains to realize the fence around it means KEEP OUT!  Daniel said the elk have been through his yard, so I just don't know who to suspect.
I don't think the elk on the road really noticed the stink eye I gave them, though they did scatter as I approached. 
So we have wire fences around the fruits, we have an electric fence around the garden, and we have solar-powered sonic devices to scare away moles/gophers.  It is a little bit different than gardening in the city, definitely different than the community gardens.  But come twilight when the animals reveal themselves, I realize gardening is more of a combat sport than a casual hobby down here!  Today - I will be home at regular time to water and tend to all my little babies growing in the garden....and keep a watchful eye on who might be stalking our little sprouts.


Anonymous said...

Hey Sister!

I'm telling you, if you want to get the point across to these creatures nothing beats eating them. That's right! When hunting season arrives just get a permit for your land and "blast" one. Then when their animal friends see one of their own blasted and eaten they might get the hint. Isn't time you were a carnivore again? Just something to think about....


tori vigil said...

Oh I long do I have to stay in the field with the blood dripping from my chin so the other know? Gross image, I know - or at least it is to me!