Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Why did the snake cross the road?

It was chasing the chicken!!  Okay, there was no chicken, but I did see my first live snake crossing the road.  I have seen dead snakes in the road, but I haven't seen a live snake since I was startled to find one under a board behind the tin shed about 11 months ago.  That is a long time to go without seeing a live snake, especially since Thomas told me that I would probably be uncomfortable to know how many snakes actually live on our property.  I guess they are good at hiding when I am out and about.
Yesterday I was driving home, and before approaching the S-curves, I saw something ahead in the road.  I slowed, and it moved.  IT WAS ALIVE!!!  It was a bull snake about 3.5 feet long, and it was itself a picture of the S-curves as it slithered across the road.  I swerved a little into the other lane in an attempt to miss it.  In my rear-view mirror, I could see it in the road, but it wasn't moving.  I figured it was probably just startled and laying low to make sure "harm's way" had passed.  If it had been hit, I think it would have wriggled and fought back.  (At least that is what I remember of a snake's death.)  I verified with Daniel, who was headed home shortly after me, that he saw no snake in the road, and he confirmed my hopes that he did not see any snake, dead or alive, in the road. 
So there you have it!  I am hoping that is good snake karma for me.  I am not exactly sure what snake karma is, but if it exists, I want the good kind!

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