I got homework today! But that didn't stop Locke, Molly, and I from wandering around after school today. Class is a lot of fun. I sit between Jason and Locke, and we seem to be laughing a lot. Jason has traveled a lot in Mexico, and the vocabulary is not the same. Our teacher Carla is always having a laughing fit about the
palabras antiguas Jason uses. School is at least a fifteen minute walk (uphill at the end), and we have not been leaving early enough. Tomorrow we will have to eat
desayuno mas tempranillo, so we will not be late again. The first 1:45 hours is with Jakeline, then we have a half hour break. Next we meet with Carla. Jason is 32, a photographer from Vancouver BC, but he will move to Toronto when he returns. Manuela is a medical assistant from Switzerland and is traveling to Chile next. Claire is from England, and she has been traveling for six months already (southeast Asia mostly) and hopes to travel to Bolivia next and not return home for at least another four months. Locke is from Sonoma County. He is a doctor and took a few weeks off to study Spanish for a week, hike the Inca trail, and travel around Peru with his daughter Molly. Here the three of us are wandering around today:
The altitude is not a problem for me, but the cold is! It is cold a lot - the buildings are thick earthen or cement walls that keep things cool. I often am wearing my jacket inside. The sun does come out and feel good, but the cold seeps back into my bones! Being so close to the equator, the sun rises and sets pretty consistently, and by 6:30 pm it is dark! Being in a mountain valley also contributes to this, as my friends in Denver know well. I haven't figured out how to get a hot shower, though Locke and Molly say es posible.
...had dinner and did my homework, plus a little review at the beginning of the book, and Molly worked on her apllication for a sustainable farming program in CA, so I've been off since I last wrote. Locke had the nerve to tell me his shower was so hot he couldn't stand under the water. Talk about gloating! I managed to keep warm by drinking lots of hot water, just like my grandpa used to drink. It is late...again. I must go to sleep and then post more manana. (I cannot figure out how to put the accent in my Spanish typing. Disculpeme! If you know how, please post a comment with instructions.) G'night...victoria
no idea how to do the accent...
glad you're having fun!
á = Alt + 160
é = Alt + 130
í = Alt + 161
ó = Alt + 162
ú = Alt + 163
ñ = Alt + 164
É = Alt + 0201
¿ = Alt + 168
¡ = Alt + 0161
just hold down the alt key and enter the numero and . . walla . . accents see -- íú¿¡Éó
wonderful, you are, si, much bueno
I happen to know another way to do the accents. I've only ever used it in Microsoft Word though.
For an accent over any letter:
Hold Control and the apostrophe ( ' ) key. Let go, and type letter.
For ~ over n:
Hold Control, Shift, and ~. Let go, and type n.
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